2015 Ford Mustang Order Guide Released


Admin Dude
Nov 29, 1999
Auburn, AL
So that happened. The 50th Anniversary of the Ford Mustang came, went, and we are now moving into another generation of pony car. It all seems a bit too surreal…and happened quite rapidly, given all the build-up. With offerings like the Ford-installed-but-not-warranted line lock, hot color choices, SVT branding, and some serious performance options, the 2015 Mustang is seriously making waves in only a short time of awareness in the (now global) marketplace.

When it’s finally put to press, given this document was a “leak”, we can expect to see some new platform Mustangs hued in: competition orange, avalanche gray, triple yellow, deep-impact blue, magnetic metallic, race red, black and oxford white. Additionally, Wimbledon white will also make the cut, paying proper homage to the first color of the 1964 Mustang. Very well-played, Ford.

There are a whole host of performance and appearance upgrades–more than are worth spewing about right here, only to leave each of you skipping ahead and reading the guide for yourselves. Now with that being said, here ya go; here is the reportedly valid and accurate 2015 Mustang order guide for your drooling and reading pleasure.

Follow the jump for some real speed car color examples of the new 2015.

Courtesy CJ Pony Parts

Read more of 2015 Ford Mustang order guide released at StangNet!